Man in pink dress shirt holding citrus fruit
This man has figured out how to harness the heat of the Earth to grow citrus in the Midwest all year long

This Geothermal Greenhouse Grows Oranges in the Snow

By Sara Burrows – full article on Return to Now

This man has figured out how to harness the heat of the Earth to grow citrus in the Midwest all year long

A former mailman has figured out how to grow citrus in Nebraska, all year long, with his specially designed geothermal greenhouse.

Typically, it’s impossible to find local produce in the northern half of the country this time of year, but a man named Russ Finch grows hundreds of pounds of fruit each year in his “Greenhouse in the Snow.”

Historically, the problem with greenhouses is they require a lot of energy to heat. While the sun keeps them hot during the day, electricity or gas are required to keep plants from freezing at night.

But Finch’s geothermal greenhouse uses the free heat provided by the earth to keep his fruits and veggies warm.

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