The System is Unsustainable.

We are Creating a Better Alternative

What We Do

We tell the story of how the world started burning and offer up solutions on how to put out the fires that are consuming our planet and our lives.

We use social media, podcasts, film and video to reach people and lift up communities across the globe, both virtually and IRL. We develop community-driven programs that connect people to share resources, organize, and take direct action. Through these initiatives, we spotlight our interconnectedness.

We are growing a resource hub, developing networks to create a plan for transition towards a better world by starting with action you can take and benefit from today.


Find like-minded individuals and join conversations about related subjects.

social media


Grow our network and resources to build a better system.

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Build digital and physical projects to create a world in synergy with our planet and each other.


What is a Moneyless Society?

Moneyless means no currency, trade, barter, or exchange is necessary for survival and access to necessities.

We aim to create a new and unparalleled economic system that provides for everyone, where people contribute voluntarily, when and where they choose.

We call this "systemic reciprocity" as opposed to our current system of "transactional reciprocity."

Creating these systemically reciprocal systems is integral to the creation of a functional moneyless society.

Latest Articles

How to Slow Down on Purpose -- Moneyless Society
The hours of your life are your most valuable possession. Money will come and it will go. Clothes and cars and homes will bring great enjoyment, until they fade and are replaced. But the minutes you spend doing what you feel is important, or meaningful, can never be un-spent or lost. And it is possible to spend more time in each of those moments. If you can take your foot off of the accelerator, and try not to rush to every next destination just to cross it off the ever-expanding list, your days and weeks and months and years won’t blur together behind you. Read More